The story of the A6 Murders, which we have chosen to base our film on, begins on the 22nd August 1961 where Michael Gregsten and his Mistress Valerie Storie were hijacked on the A6 and ordered to drive for the entire night before Gregsten was shot and mudered, and Storie was raped then shot. The next morning, Gregsten was found dead with Storie seriously injured next to him. James Hanratty was suspected right up until he was hanged for the crime, though no resounding evidence was ever found. It was only in 2002 that DNA testing proved his guilt, though some believe he was framed just to conclude the case which is the main point we are basing our story on; the copy cat muderer at the end of the trailer will be revealed to be James Hanratty - impossible as he was hanged fifty years ago, making a poignant point about DNA and how it can be tampered with.
We plan to play on this DNA point and, respectively, name the film 'DEADMAN'. This is a play on words as 'DEADMAN' clearly conveys the DNA result though it also reflects the original setting which was 'Deadman's Hill'.
The original idea storyboard is below:
After the initial storyboard were put down on paper, we drafted the full storyboard indicating main scenes:
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