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Friday, 5 October 2012

Preliminary Film - LATE

As practice for our actual production, my partner and I set out to create a preliminary film so that we could get used to using Final Cut Pro which neither of us is familiar with. Previously, however, we have worked together on similar projects to what our actual film will entail for our G.C.S.E production. The Prelim did put us into the mind-set of filming again which is useful for choosing camera angles and shots for our actual production.

Below is the rough storyboard that we followed loosely to obtain the shots we required for the final cut:

I also designed a simple Poster as a complement to the Preliminary film:
A film Poster I made for the Preliminary Film

 Below is the Prelim:
Before creating the film we designed a storyboard to loosely base the Preliminary task on. Some shots vary and have been omitted from the final cut. Bloopers were added at the end of the task for comedic effect and to give a glimpse at the production process. Below are our storyboards:

I do believe our Preliminary task ended up very well considering the little time we had to complete the task and limited sets, actors etc. I am particularly proud of the way we edited and filmed the cuts between shots smoothly so the film seems fluent and continuous. Our On action shot as Ross reaches for the Media Suite door is a great example of this. I do, however, feel we could have improved the film in some ways. There were a few shots, namely the shot featured from within an office, that we wished to shoot, but due to time restrictions, we deemed it not important enough to have to obtain the appropriate permission for one shot. We also, changed the ending quite considerably without editing the storyboard; we must keep in mind that in a bigger production, edits and redrafts must be made to maintain continuity and order in production.

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