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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Editing Digest - Shadow Removal

Due to a fault of our own, this scene originally had the obvious shadow of the tripod over the bonnet of the car. Luckily, the shot also contained a segment where one of the characters walked infront of the camera in such a way that the shadow was covered by another. We masked this over the finished clip to make it seem as if the shadow were something such as a bin or at least something out of shot and less obvious than the tripod.

Creation Process

To create the desired effect, we first placed the original clip on the main storyline and then found a freeze from earlier in the clip where the shadow was obstructed. We then proceeded to use a third party plugin called 'RT 8 Point Matte' which allowed us to mask around the wanted shadow so that it was the only thing visible on the secondary timeline. We were able to add a considerable amount of blur to the edges so that the effect was undetectable if not outlined to the audience. 

We should have realised and re-filmed quicker, though the effect was so easy to reproduce that it was quicker to do so.

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